Tailormade VIP Day with systemic coaching
Je gaat in mijn executive VIP Dag een grote stap zetten, en weer aan het roer van je leven staan.Your questions, goals, and your time are valuable. Getting thorough clarity and immediate applicable tools are then of vital importance.
Mijn executive systemische VIP Dag helpt je snel een belangrijke stap te zetten in het bereiken van je doel.
Want je vraag en je doelstelling en je tijd zijn kostbaar. Je wilt na een VIP Dag gegarandeerd naar huis met een heldere 4D-Systeem Analyse® en praktische tools voor het bereiken van je doelen, die je direct kunt toepassen.
En je wilt graag andere dimensies van je persoonlijkheid inzetten, out of the box oplossingen ervaren en gebruik maken van de kracht van ratio én verbeelding.
Je gaat door een intensieve VIP Dag geïnspireerd raken, méér inzicht in jezelf en je (onderbewuste ) interacties met je omgeving krijgen, dan je voor mogelijk hield.
Zodat je een eerste en zeer belangrijke stap zet in het herkennen na je unieke blauwdruk, zodat je authentieke en juiste besluiten kunt nemen.
Gain fresh inspiration, deep understanding and the tools for fast results with a VIP day of 4D Systemic Executive Coaching®.
Program for your VIP Day
In een persoonlijke video call worden je persoonlijke of professionele doelen duidelijk in beeld gebracht ter voorbereiding op je VIP Dag.
A fitting date and a suitable location for your VIP Day will then be determined. You can attend either our atmospheric centre Arte dell'Anima, or a setting near to where you live.
In the morning of the VIP Day (start 10.00 am), the 4D-System Analysis ® provides clear insight into your unique blueprint of progress and stagnation that influence your personal or professional goals
After a delicious lunch, you will learn how to use different parts of your personality, experience out-of-the-box solutions and to combine the power of reason and imagination to recharge your energy.
At the end of the VIP Day (16:00) we will evaluate the results in relation to your goals. We will also detail the key insights and action points that can be directly implemented.
After the VIP Day, we schedule a follow-up session ( via video call) lasting 60 minutes.
You will take a big step in your VIP Day, re-claim control of your life and experience sustainable changes
You have a burning question. That might have been on your mind for some time, or could have arisen more recently.
You'd like to talk to an experienced systemic coach about this on short notice, so you can take a first important step.
At this point of your life, you are not thinking about more intensive coaching
If so, my VIP Day is a great choice.
My mission is to empower creative, driven and entrepreneurial people with deep insight into the systemic dimensions that contribute to personal happiness, success and meaning.
Ewoud Dekker - A Brief Overview:
More than 35 years ago I graduated cum laude as a clinical psychologist, and a few years thereafter I completed the psychotherapy specialisation as a systemic therapist
Based on my broad interests, I have worked in all areas of my profession with a wide variety of clients and questions. While working as a psychologist, psychotherapist, executive coach and trainer.
Due to my belief in the uniqueness of each person, I always deliver tailor-made solutions, working with all possible theoretical approaches and methods.
In 2006, I had the pleasure of meeting my wife and colleague Marian de Neef, and from our shared vision, we were able to develop our own unique methodology, which we call 4D-system therapy®.
We opened our holistic centre for personal and professional retreats, training and systemwork Arte dell' Anima in 2008
Your bespoke VIP Day will provide you with a deep understanding and the tools you need. I support your process through a follow-up.
4D Systemic trajectory
My 4D-Systemic trajectory guides you in exploring and implementing new dimensions for your personal and professional goals.
4-D Systemische VIP-Dag
Gain deep self-awareness and insight into your interactions with the world around you. Uncover in a VIP Day valuable knowledge and actionable strategies tailored to address your specific questions.
Interactive Presentations
My mission is to provide an insight into the psychological dimensions of our systemic blueprint that contribute to our happiness, success or adversity.