Executive systemic coaching trajectories
Unlock your full potential by gaining deep insight into your systemic blueprintDoor mijn op maat gemaakte executive coaching traject begeleid ik je bij het verkennen van nieuwe systemische dimensies in jouw denken, emoties, doel en interacties met je omgeving
You might recognise the following questions.
How can I create the space to develop an authentic leadership style? And how can I foster effective team relationships, stay inspired and maintain a healthy work-life balance?
Is er een effectieve methode waarmee ik loskom van belemmerende patronen die mijn persoonlijke en professionele leiderschapkwaliteiten in de weg staan?
And most of all, how can I stay in touch with a world that is constantly changing and contribute to it in a meaningful way?
Sometimes I reach the limits of my competence or notice that I am no longer full of energy, relaxation and inspiration. It is often difficult to see what my contribution or role is, resulting in less fulfilment, meaning and enjoyment.
To successfully change and balance the different dimensions of living and working, just a different mindset is not enough.
What you need is to see that your feelings, your environment and your beliefs are changing along with you on the same level.
The basis for change and transformative change is being created by head, heart, body, soul in harmony and balance.
Ewoud Dekker's innovative 4D System Coaching® offers an integrative method for analysing the blueprint of your stories, beliefs, cognitions and emotions. Discover how to find the best balance of your authentic personality to remain flexible and aligned as the world around you rapidly evolves.
Je psychologische en systemische blauwdruk is namelijk net zo uniek als je vingerafdruk. Het is mijn expertise om snel tot de kern te komen, waardoor je jezelf en je interacties beter gaat begrijpen en een authentiek leiderschaps stijl ontwikkelt .
I help you to make the desired and decisive changes to this unique blueprint. This way you can get straight to work realising your full potential and leadership skills.

My mission is to empower creative, driven and entrepreneurial people with deep insight into the systemic dimensions that contribute to personal happiness, success and meaning
Resultaatgericht werken aan persoonlijke en professionele doelen in een tailormade Coaching Traject
Step into your personal transformation journey with my tailor-made Executive Coaching Trajectory. Allow yourself to be amazed by the in-depth and powerful 4D-System Analysis® and receive practical tools to help you achieve your goals effortlessly
You will learn to develop an integrated and unique leadership style, using other dimensions of your personality and combining the power of reason and imagination.
As a result, you gain more and deeper insight into yourself and your interactions with your environment than you imagined possible.
I guarantee first-class results. Fast, impactful, tailormade, exclusively with personal and professional leadership coaching, with a guarantee of privacy.
This allows you to make authentic and meaningful choices and to embrace your unique position in order to live and work to your full potential. What you achieve is more meaning, purpose and fulfilment.
An Executive Programme with 4D Systemic Executive Coaching® provides inspiration, deep insight and the tools to achieve immediate results.
My Executive Systemic Coaching a programme offers a comprehensive and structured process to enable you to tap your full potential.
The customised coaching programme is tailored and flexible to meet your individual needs and aspirations. Before we start, we have a thorough video consultation to define your goals as precisely as possible.
Together, we determine the ideal location, duration and schedule for your personalised executive coaching programme. Whether you choose our atmospheric centre or a convenient location convenient to your area.
You will receive exclusive guidance tailored to your personal, professional or systemic questions and goals, based on my 35 years of experience.
My programme combines personal sessions and impactful video calls so that your development and goals are further integrated into the everyday life and work.
Would you prefer to concentrate fully on the one-to-one coaching and relax in an executive retreat over a number of days?
This multi-day executive systemic retreat is a great choice if you want a transformational boost to unlock your true potential in a very short time.

Dees van Oosterhout about Ewoud Dekker
Ewoud Dekker is one of the very few psychotherapists and executive coaches I can safely venture to introduce into organisations.
His 4D-System Vision® on the psychological aspects of behavioural change, adds significant depth to my approach in organisations.
Ewoud Dekker values authenticity. As a human being and as a coach/therapist. His years of experience bring him to stand above a client's question for every request for help and in his inimitable way, with great empathy, he finds a way to tackle the problem very close to the client every time. Very inventive and exploratory from various perspectives and theories.
In doing so, he has great integrity but is also light-hearted, full of humour. Structural, bounding, safe, balanced but also inviting, boundary-pushing and inspiring.
Besides as a trainer, I also warmly recommend Ewoud as an executive coach and therapist. For people who have suffered burnout in their organisation. Or as professionals who want to strengthen their self-confidence. For executives who keep falling into an impeding pattern even though they have already attended many management trainings.
4D Systemic trajectory
My 4D-Systemic trajectory guides you in exploring and implementing new dimensions for your personal and professional goals.
4-D Systemische VIP-Dag
Gain deep self-awareness and insight into your interactions with the world around you. Uncover in a VIP Day valuable knowledge and actionable strategies tailored to address your specific questions.
Interactive Presentations
My mission is to provide an insight into the psychological dimensions of our systemic blueprint that contribute to our happiness, success or adversity.